28 db első hely, 7 db második hely, 0 db harmadik, 1 db különdíj és 1 db abszolút győztes
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23x ELITE, 2x NICE, BETTER, 3x GOOD, 2×BEST, Best Horse in WLE, Legszebb Ló a Monarchia Májusi Nagyküllemversenyen, Most Beautiful Stallion in Monarchia May Appearance, Fantastic Stallion, 2nd in III. Horse Appearance in Alta, 1st in Patanevelde, Fantastic Dressage Horse, 2nd in Branch Appearance in Alta, Better, Better horse in WLE, 2nd in KLN Küllem, 1st in WLE, Best, Best Dressage Horse on Patanevelde, Ponyisland Champion, The most bautiful horse in KWPN category, 1st Placed of 2nd Stage in Tour de France 2011, Elite Special Horse, Best Horse in Goodbye Autumn Appearance, Hollywood Park Night Good Horse, 2nd of Nighwish Appearance, Első helyezett a Sportló Küllemen, Best of Paradise Stables, The Best Dressage/Jumping/Appearance Horse, The Best in Paradise Stables, The Best Dressage Horse in PS, 1st in Paradise Stables, The Most Beautiful of Around The World Appearance, Beautiful Horse with Rider/Care, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 1st of Welcome Summer, The Most Beautiful Stallion in M'sM, Winner in Welcome School Appearance, The Most Beautiful Horse in Sunny category in M'sM, Great Horse in Cloudy category in M'sM, A szerkesztő kedvence, Beautiful appearance horse, Winner at Horoscope Appearance, The Most Beautiful Horse in M'sM, Beautiful Appearance Horse in FL, 1st placed on II. Dance Style Appearance in Salyza P. S.,
• 1. hely II. We Love Everything Küllemverseny
• 1. hely Monarchia Májusi Nagyküllemverseny
• 1. hely 2011. IV. Patanevelde Küllemverseny
• 1. hely We Love Everything Harry Potter Appearance
• 1. hely III. We Love Everything Appearance
• 1. hely Alta Vp. III. Horse Appearance
• 1. hely 2011 Patanevelde Rolex Days (Díjlovaglás)
• 1. hely Ponyisland 2nd Stage in Tour de France (KWPN)
• 1. hely Special Appearance
• 1. hely GoodBye Autumn Appearance
• 1. hely Christmas Cake Appearance
• 1. hely Sportló Küllem (Díjugrók)
• 1. hely Újévi Kupa Díjugratás
• 1. hely Újévi Kupa Díjlovaglás
• 1. hely Újévi Kupa Mének Külleme
• 1. hely I love the 80's Show Jumping
• 1. hely I love the 90's Dressage (Profik)
• 1. hely Around the World Appearance
• 1. hely GP's Top Sites Appearance +abszolút győztes
• 1. hely Welcome to Summer Appearance
• 1. hely Time Appearance
• 1. hely Welcome School Appearance
• 1. hely Weather Appearance
• 1. hely Horoscope Appearance +különdíj
• 1. hely My Horses Appearance
• 1. hely I. Funny Lime Küllem
• 1. hely II. Dance Style Appearance
• 1. hely BOC
• 2. hely Alta Vp. III. Horse Appearance
• 2. hely Hollywood-Park Nightwis Appearance
• 2. hely Alta Branch Appearance
• 2. hely KLN Küllemverseny
• 2. hely My Rider & Me Appearance
• 2. hely Beautiful Horse's Appearance
• 2. hely Weather Appearance